Active Note-taking – how to promote it without all the headache!

Education Perfect Solution using the Extended Response

I’ve been looking for various ways to help students review and take notes on videos and/or reading, but the quality can often be variable and monitoring individual student work time-consuming. Here is one solution that seems to be working…

I’ve just started testing out Education Perfect, which has an Extended Response option where students have to write their own notes and either self or peer assess their work. I set up a lesson that requires the students to view videos &/or read content, then take notes using a scaffold I developed based on the task. Notes can be either self or peer assessed using a star system. The system automatically checks for minimum requirements in the way of word length and keywords. Without these, the responses are deemed incomplete and require resubmission.  Teachers can also leave feedback, but it’s not essential to the task.

I’ve found that the peer assessment/feedback option has promoted student effort as they have an immediate audience for their work who gives written feedback. The peer review process isn’t locked down in Education Perfect. If there is anyone with submitted work, it is shared out across others who have submitted at the time.

I’ve made an Animated Gif to show the steps of this process.

Animated GIF-downsized_large